Impotence that experts call erectile dysfunction is the physical state when a man has very little or no erection and the male’s disability of ejaculation. This serious problem can be due to various causes and aspects consisting of emotional problems, tension and intellectual ailments. Anonymous surveys show that modernized society knows well what is impotence – over 52% of men between 41 and 70 years state that they have ED or had it in the past. As erection is always connected with a vascular disorder, the ED danger is slowly growing with age. High-fat meal, much alcohol, smoking adversely alter the male’s vascular system and decrease the erection. Poor experiences in marriage, in sexual life and the death of close ones cause tension, anxiety and ultimately lead to ED.
Endocrine diseases and impotence
Man’s endocrine system generates hormones controlling sexual functionings, mood, body metabolism, reproductions, etc. Diabetes mellitus is the endocrine system impairment eventually leading a man to ED. The amount of hormonal changes, certain nerves are impaired, the blood transportation to dick becomes low – all these aspects together cause ED that is most commonly known as impotence, little or no erection.
Neurological disorders and ED
Certain neurological disorders cause ED. When a man’s neurological system undergoes any problem, the brain “refuses” to transmit right impulses to the reproduction system. Even looking an attractive intimate object, one does not get a signal to make sex. Yes, this man can see that the “object” is intimately attracted, but he does not feel it – just discerning the intimate attraction of the one he sees. No erection happens, and one gets even more serious problems co depression from knowing he has impotence. Neurological disorder leading to ED comprises:

• Temporal lobe epilepsy
• Alzheimer’s disease
• Brain tumours
• Parkinson’s disease
• Stroke
• Multiple sclerosis
• Men who had prostate gland surgical operation often face ED problems.
Bicycle riding can also cause temporary male ED! Long-lasting load on genitalias affects the nerves! Meanwhile, this kind of ED is cobated quicker – the individual is said to give up riding a bicycle.
Taking certain drugs and impotence
Taking certain drugs affects much blood transportation, and often causes ED. However, even if an individual knows that prescriptive medicines influence erection, he must not ever stop taking them, otherwise more serious health problems may occur. Some well-known drugs which causes ED consist of Flomax, Coreg, Lopressor, Tagamet, Xanax, Valium, Codeine, Lasix, Aldactone, Paxil, Prozac, etc. Most of antidepressants and diuretics in large dose cause ED.
Emotional states and depression

Erection is the hard phenomenon that involves functional and emotional processes. It means that even when a man is physically fit he can have ED through tension, bad emotional impairments, feeling of grief and sadness, helplessness. Anxiety can also hinder with its efficiency. Sometimes emotional aspects do not let a man get sexual pleasure with a certain companion (reminding him of his ex-spouse, or even a child). Drugs, alcohol and nicotine adversely alters man efficiency and cause ED. Exactly in these cases, taking Viagra pills becomes the best advantageous procedure of combating the impotence. Meanwhile, a man having one of these problems must rectify the problem itself. OTC Viagra gives an only temporary erection, management, but not eradicating impotence.