Ways of treating erectile dysfunction including taking Viagra pills


Since the end of 1990, then Viagra was first used as the most powerful drug in assisting to improve man performance, the number of men complaining about erectile dysfunction has increased up to 275%. Someone can be fearful of the progress of ED problem, but the increasing number of men meeting problems with efficiency just show – today we speak about impotence frankly, without hiding it from the others. Meanwhile, human race knows various remedial curatives assisting in getting better efficiency. They consist of painless processes of life taking herbally-produced products and excruciating ways of treating ED like penis injection and even surgical operations.

Treating ED with penile injections


Clinical professionals working at the problem of man ED brought in the medication that is injected into the male’s penis and causes the erection. The medications against man Ed is known as Alprostadil. Certainly, injecting the penis is excruciating as the penis is the most sensitive part of a man’s body. As urologists state, they suggest taking Alprostadil injections for men who cannot take OTC Viagra for some reasons, consisting of allergies to the well-known drug constituents and certain ailments when taking Viagra is forbidden. As the medication, containing sildenafil citrate (constituting Viagra generics), these innoculations do not eradicate the problem just managing it, giving the injected men 4 hours of good effect and assisting him making sexual mating. As the anonymous surveys show, this procedure is too much excruciating. It is mostly used also when a pair where as the counterpart suffers from ED wants to have kids. The injection lets penis physiology suitably. When the effect of the medication is over, erection disappears.

Muse for short erection

As most men find penile injections too much painful, pharmasists and clinical professionals propose them another way of striving with ED. They have invented Muse – exclusive dissolvable pellet. A man going to have intimate interaction inserts the pellet into urethra. The guarantee for Good erection is in 89%. However, it remains not longer than one hour and causes very undesireable feelings and side reactions containing even negligible bleeding from penis.

Vacuum pump for erection


This is a device that a man can order even in a sex outlet. However, certain online drug-stores proposes it for men as well. The greatest pros of the pump is its large cons as well. Yes, using the pump following directions a man can really get a visually great erection. No medications having side reactions will get into blood – men with allergies and man taking nitrates can use pumps. Meanwhile, as the surveys show, only 50-70% of men go through the effect of these vacuum pumps and like them. With time, the effect of using the device for erection becomes less and less. The erection after the pump use works by staying for only 30 minutes and even less.

Herbal Supplements for better potency


Saw palmetto, Maidenhair tree, yohimbine and some other herbs and herbally made supplements are widely used in correcting ED. As the advertisements state, men using these become “real macho”. All of these supplements do not need any prescript – you can buy them in any pharmaceautical outlet or even in a superstore. Clinicians consider taking these “helpful herbs” hazardous as men getting them with no prescript do not observe that even the dose must be observed. The optimum way to take them is using together with the major regimen of ED advised to you by your urologists and clinicians.

Taking Viagra pills

To get the fastest and the energetic erection, men take the best OTC Viagra. Although each man having ED problems can buy these in online drug-store, physicians and urologists vigorously advises getting first their consultation. The observation of these directions advises is the “must do”.