The UAE is a highly-developed federal country, which consists of seven different parts called emirates. This is a set of completely seperate monarchies when the power of their head of is not limited. UAE can boast not only of its amazing resources and unending oil reserves; but also, of its highly advanced system of health-care. These high standards are in the capital (Abu Dhabi) and Dubai. Also in there, the legislation is strict in the field of regulating prescription drugs.
Emirates’ healthcare
The system of health-care in the UAE is a harmonic mix of both private and public branches. One can surely benefit from either.
Thep ublic system is being under severe centralization in the spheres of financing and management. Also, a great number of private establishments are doing a great business as well.
The public system has two parts:
The primary healthcare that is provided by appropriate centers. The size and other characteristics of such establishment depend on the place, where it is found and the number of people it is serving. In rural areas, the center will surely be smaller than in urban ones that are packed with citizens and immigrants.
- The other one is the hospital that is provided by specialized general and central medical centers.
It has to be mentionned that public establishments are not very famous among any group because they can be pricey and do not have the proper personnels. The national strategy in the sphere of public health-care wants to boost the levels of professionalism and skills.
Private health-care is dramatically becoming more popular these days. They are consisted of private clinics, hospital and even websites. There are more private institutions than public ones.
Viagra without a prescription in Dubai and the UAE

Is Viagra available OTC in Dubai? This is asked by many who come to this city for work or to find a job. But one well-known tourist-forum user wrote that OTC Cialis as well as Viagra can be obtained in the UAE at any chemist’s store. The medication’s price can fluctuate between 140 and 200 AED for theevery four tablets. Pharmacies have over the counter medication, out in the open. However, one may doubt whether this distribution is legal.
We analyzed the UAE list of restricted drugs and did not find there neither Viagra nor sildenafil (its major constituent). Accordingly, it can be concluded that OTC-Viagra can be obtained at pharmacies in Dubai. However, laws may alter; so, you have to always ask around before going to Dubai. The laws of the UAE are known for their severity, so you can be seriously penalized for using controlled drugs without a relevant document.
Prescription medications in UAE
In case you have a certain illness, you can find any drug of interest in the UAE. And, you may be surprised when investigating that some medications, which don’t normally need a prescription in your native country, are banned in the UAE. It concerns a great number of common remedies for cough/cold. Different drugs to regulate hormones, anti-depressants, sleeping pills and drugs against pain cannot be found here at all. Those foreigners who have to take the medications mentionned above, are better off to carry appropriate prescription verified by notary along with the prescribing doctor’s letter.